Silat Suffian Bela Diri - International Training Groups 'OPEN POLICY' expects people to individually express themselves and will not tolerate any one student or instructor suppressing knowledge in regards to our martial arts training regardless of style or any one's individual personality and any way or form.

Like any applied knowledge people tend to understand things in their own way, through their studies and experience. We cannot force our ideas on them, let people find their own truths.

Our aim is for religious and cultural tolerance between different nationalities. We do not welcome or encourage anti-social behaviours and those learning our knowledge with negative intentions. All Representatives and Representative Candidates including myself has the moral responsibility to refuse these individuals or group of individuals. But if you are a friendly person who has thirst for knowledge and the intention to contribute to your family and community then our doors are always open for you.

We are educators not dictators, but we do expect students and instructors alike to follow the SSBD's : "Mission Statement", "Purpose" and "Instructors Purpose".

We only ask for a reasonable contribution in our part, but we do not treat our students as clients, we threat them as friends. We have to be honest, in todays world, to successfully promote any event especially worldwide events like SSBD seminars - travel expenses, gym rental, meal expenses, initiatives for organizers, living expenses, etc, have to be considered. No money should come out of anyones pocket which could cause unnecessary distress to ourselves and our families in the future.

Remember, we are keepers of a legacy, we have to promote and spread it wisely.



The articles and videos presented in this site may cause serious harm or death if misunderstood or used irresponsibly. This site does not constitute itself as self defense instructions or advise. This site is for cultural information and entertainment purposes only. SSBD, Maul Mornie personally, and his affiliated representatives and host organizations, do not encourage you to carry a knife or do anything that could endanger the life of any living person or persons. You must consider the legal implications of everything you do, exercising your judgement and common sense as an adult. You must follow the law or pay the consequences. Whatever you do, you do out of your own intentions. This site is for entertainment and cultural purposes only and cannot be used as legal advice. Please keep in mind, you will go to jail or worst if you have the intentions of harming another living person or persons.



There is NO fast track instructor diploma program, we DO NOT sell instructor diplomas or blackbelt certificates even if you continuously attended a few weekend seminars / private sessions / group studies.

There are NO long distance correspondance program, NO learning through instuctional videos, NO video gradings.

I do NOT sell instructional DVDs.

I am NOT desperate to have representatives in every part of the world. Those who dedicate parts of thier lives to SSBD understand my visions and aims in spreading SSBD. The passion is what spreads the art.

I and all SSBD group leaders firmly believe you cannot learn and instill "REAL" skill and understanding over just a few session or a few seminars. You may "remember" 100 movements, you may "copy" 1000 techniques, but this is not how authentic silat is learned and developed. It should be in your body, not in your brain.

We aim for quality practitioners that could teach the art with full understanding, not instructors who got thier diploma from "remembering" techniques for thier gradings.

Like any reputable learning institution, SSBD is instructed how it is supposed to be taught, not bought. Like a lecturer in a University, I provide a service, when was the last time you heard, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard or The MIT offering a fast track course to an Engineering Degree through a video? Think about it.

Once you understand this, you are welcome to proceed on how you can further your studies in SSBD below.

We are not the best, but you can rest assure we give our best.


29th June 2008

29th June 2008
Shihan Florian Velici, 7th Dan Judo @ Germany


The articles are in decending order, please scroll down to view the latest events and pictures. This page will be constantly updated until the end of the year 2010.


30th January 2010 - CLICK HERE
Garbagnate, Milan, Italy Seminar

30th January 2010 - CLICK HERE
Varese, Italy Seminar

31st January 2010 - CLICK HERE
Modena, Italy Seminar

7th February 2010 - CLICK HERE
Weisbaden, Germany Seminar

13th February 2010 - CLICK HERE
Newport, Wales, United Kingdom

20th February 2010 - CLICK HERE
IJsselstein, Holland Seminar

27th/28th February 2010 - CLICK HERE
Desenzano del Garda, Italy

6th/7th March 2010 - CLICK HERE
Charity Workshop - Cambridge, United Kingdom

14th March 2010 - CLICK HERE
New York City, USA Seminar

20th March 2010 - CLICK HERE
Newport, Wales, United Kingdm Seminar

21st March 2010 - CLICK HERE
Birmingham, United Kingdom Seminar

27th/28th March 2010 - CLICK HERE
Graz, Austria Seminar

10th April 2010 - CLICK HERE
Nuremberg, Germany Seminar

17th/18th April 2010 - Cancelled due to Ash Clouds
Desenzano Del Garda, Italy

24th April 2010 - CLICK HERE
IJsselstein, Holland Seminar

8th May 2010 - CLICK HERE
Melbourne, Australia

9th May 2010 - CLICK HERE
Melbourne, Australia

15th/16th May 2010 - CLICK HERE
Hong Kong

12th/13th June 2010 - CLICK HERE
Desenzano del Garda, Italy

18th/19th/20th June 2010 - CLICK HERE
Weisbaden, Germany - 3 days Intensive Camp

26th June 2010 - CLICK HERE
Worcester, UK - Help for Heroes Charity

2nd/3rd/4th July 2010 - CLICK HERE
IJsselstein, Holland - 3 days Intensive Camp

23rd/24th/25th July 2010 - CLICK HERE
Cardiff, UK - 3 days Intensive Camp

3rd to 7th August 2010 - CLICK HERE
Desenzano del Garda, Italy - 5 days Intensive Camp

14th/15th August 2010 - CLICK HERE
New York, USA

28th/29th August 2010 - CLICK HERE
Melbourne, Australia

4th/5th September 2010 - CLICK HERE
Hong Kong

10th October 2010 - CLICK HERE
Desenzano del Garda, Italy

17th October 2010 - CLICK HERE
Ludwigshafen, Germany

24th October 2010 - CLICK HERE
IJsselstein, Holland

30th October 2010 - CLICK HERE
Risca, Newport, UK

6th/7th November 2010 - CLICK HERE
Graz, Austria

20th/21st November 2010 - CLICK HERE
New York, USA

27th/28th November 2010 - CLICK HERE
Nuremberg, Germany

4th/5th December 2010 - CLICK HERE
IJsselstein, Holland

11th/12th December 2010 - CLICK HERE
Desenzano del Garda, Italy


These are the frequently asked questions that I am asked in every email. It will be updated every time I get a repetitive enquiry. Please note that the views here are entirely my own and may or may not represent those of my teachers and instructors. I assume all responsibilities and my apologies for any errors.


Where are you from? What race are you?

I am from Negara Brunei Darussalam (on Borneo island in the center of Southeast Asia). I'm a Malay (Melayu). To correct any assumptions made by miss-informed people in most parts of the world, Brunei is not a part of Indonesia, not a part of Malaysia, not a part of Philipines, not part of the middle-east. It is an Independant country with its own Ruler.


Where are you currently based?

Currently I'm based in Cardiff, Wales in the United Kingdom.


Are you willing to travel to other countries to teach a seminar, workshop, or other public instructions?

Yes, Under the Visa Waiver Program, Bruneians do NOT need a VISA to travel to any country in the world; but for security reasons official invitation letters with contact details are a must.


Why do you train with weapons?


Apart from the hundreds of positive feedbacks from the public and seminar attendees, SSBD has also received words of support from known and high ranked martial arts masters and instructors internationally, whom personally I would love to meet and train under.

Through friendship and mutual respect, I have also written their experience, background and links to their websites.

The martial arts community has no place for egos and closed minded people who think they have the best "reality" technique.

I have traveled the world, met and worked with many martial practitioners and professionals who lay their life on the line everyday, and all I can say is that they have nothing to prove to anyone.

Below are some of the positive feedbacks given by world class instructors and weapon masters. The feedbacks are not arranged in any specific order except that all latest feedbacks are at the bottom of the page.

I would like to sincerely thank each an every one of them for their time in doing so. It is truely my honor.


"..regardless of what anyone says.. science or no science, IT WORKS.."

- Mataas Na Tuhon Pat O'Malley (UK)
Founder ang Grandmaster Rapid Arnis International. 7th Degree Blackbelt Rapid Arnis. 6th Grade Black Belt Doce Pares Eskrima. European Representative for San Miguel Eskrima. Co-founder Black Eagle Society and WEKAF-GB. Founding member of British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors.


"..your videos are great.. Great training! Very talented teacher."

- Sifu/Guro Ron Balicki (USA)
Founder of Martial Arts Research SystemsFormer Instructor at the Inosanto Academy, USA (1993-98). Jun Fan Gung Fu (Jeet Kune Do) Full Instructor
Filipino Kali Full Instructorship under Guro Dan Inosanto, Leo Giron, Angel Cabales, Dinisio Canete, and Ted Lucay Lucay. Maphilindo Silat Full Instructor level 4 under Guro Dan Inosanto. Lameco Escrima Senior Assistant Instructor under the late Punong Guro Edgar Sulite. Trained extensively in the United States and Indonesia in the art of Silat Mande Muda with the late Pendekar (Grandmaster) Herman Suwanda, Maha Guru Victor De Thouars in Pencak Silat Serak and with Pendekar Paul De Thouars in Bukti Negara Pentjak Silat

Wing Chun Instructor under Sifu Randy Williams. World Muay Thai Association Instructor under Ajarn (Master) Chai Surisute. Shoot Fighting rank of Shooter (Professional Fighter) under Sensei Yori Nakamura, the highest ranked person under the founder Sensei Satora Sayama. Savate rank of yellow glove. Degerberg blend martial art system 6th degree black belt. Latigo y Daga (Whip and Dagger) instructor under Whip expert, Guro Tom Meadows.

Over three years with the Cook County Sheriff's Department, and continues to assist police agencies in the usa to improve their martial arts techniques. In Europe, he teaches martial arts to the French President's Secret Service and the French Anti-Terrorist Team "RAID" (the French counterpart to the U.S. Navy Seals). Martial Arts Research Systems can be found teaching martial arts seminars around the world.


"..I saw your videos, you did a GREAT JOB.."

- Master Greg Alland (USA)
President of the Arnis (Kali) Martial Arts Federation Master Certified under Grand Master Nene Tortal of the Dekiti Tirsia Kali. Doce Pares Eskrima under Dionisio Canete. Silat Pangian Langka Empat under Suryadi Jafri. Founder of the fighting concept SinaTirsiaWali.


".. I've seen your videos so many times and I really like it.."

- Guro Isagani C. Abon (Philipines)
Head of Navotas Kali Warrior, Chief Instructor, Training Director. Ilustrisimo Kali - Lineage of GM Antonio Tatang Ilustrisimo via Punong Guro Henry Espera.


"..Good SOLID silat!.. Learn from this Guru if you have the chance.."

- Dr. Conrad Bui (USA)
Pentjak Silat Serah - Guru and Mid-West Director of Pentjak Silat USA under Dr. Andre;Kuntao Silat DeThouars - Sifu and Senior Student under Bapak Willem deThouars;Ying Pao Lung Hsing - BaGua, Hsing Yi and Tai Chi Sifu and Senior Student under Sigung Wayne Welsh;Nubreed Kali - Guro under Mas Guro / Tai Sifu Ben Fajardo;Taekwondo and american freestyle karate - 5th Dan under Sensei Troy McCaskell


"..Guru Maul is one of those rare individuals,to whom the essense of his system has become him.."

- Shihan William Allen (USA)
Ju Ki Do Kai Ryu, Modern Vee-Jitsu, Arnis and Karate-Do - 7th Degree Blackbelt


"..Awesome stuff.. First Class Weapons defence.. Maul is the business in this field!!.. Exceptional standard and tuition. I am honoured to be training under such an expert and more so for hosting his UK seminars.. you will not be disappointed!"

- Sensei Alun Williams (UK)
Founder of "Total Body Defence Goshinkwai" Organization. 5th Dan Chief Instructor


"..I dig it!.. Its REAL!!.."

- Master Daniel Arola (USA)
DAMAG-INC Kali Combatives - Founder. Mousel's Self Defense Academy - Instructor. International TKD - Hapkido Institute - 3rd Dan. Tang Soo Do - 1st Dan.


"..complete system.. real-time silat techniques that work.."

- Guro Rhonee Tiong Gumpal (Philippines)
Master At Arms. Kilat Serrada Arnis. Dutch/Indonesian Pentjak Silat.


"..Your system is AMAZING.."

- Brent Beshara (Canada)
Canadian Armed Forces and Besh Knives Tactical Engineering. Anti-Tank Detachment Commander. Reconnaissance Platoon while overseas with the UN. Currently serving as a Clearance Diver; sea/land mine clearance, and deep sea diving. Bomb disposal operator for the last 11 years. Brent who is also a bladesmith has utilized knives throughout his military career, and has been highly trained in unarmed combat techniques using a variety of blades from bayonets to dive knives.


"I have studied many arts and I find this art to be fascinating and extremely effective for self defense and the attributes you gain are superb. This Family art is not only effective but useful to anyone"

- Master Rocky Twitchell (USA)
Chief Full Instructor & Founder of Liahona Warrior Arts and T-5 Boxing in Northern California. Student of Guro Dan Inosanto of the Inosanto Academy.


"..Fantastic work!.. You have VERY clean technique Guru.. Everyone pay attention, there is a true master on the floor.. He's showing some high level stuff here.. Guru Maul Mornie is the only Silat master I have seen who moves as good as Pa Herman Suwanda did.. its about time Bruneian Martial Arts was shown!!!.."

- Guru Bobbe Edmonds (USA)
Founder of Edmonds Martial Arts Academy. Reconized authority in the US on Filipino, Chinese and Indo-Malay Martial Arts. Travels the Nusantara Archipelago training with some of the greatest masters in the world. He holds advanced ranks in various systems of Southeast Asian Martial Arts. One of two people dually ranked by both Pendekar Herman Suwanda and his brother Bambang of Mande Muda Silat and Sudanese Pencak Silat in Bandung Indonesia.


"..Good presentation of effective techniques.."

- Master Dakila Hsuan (Philipines)
Founder and developer of Grail System Academy of FMA, which is composed of the following sub-styles: Sarimanok (Knife Arts), Sigma-X (Stick Arts), Agoko (Unarmed combat), Laksoy Kampilan (Long Blade Arts)


"With the explosion of mixed martial arts as a spectator sport, more average citizens here in America are taking an interest in fighting arts. Police officers face a greater chance of confronting more technical fighters than in past times so they need to be better prepared.. I encourage people I teach to study and look at various systems and choose what works best for them.. I will reccommend your videos wherever I train."

- Steve Padin (USA)
22 year police veteran and firearms instructor for the Buffalo, New York Police Department. Korean martial arts and police - related tactics instructor. He also travels to other countries to train police e.g. Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Gutemala.


"..Im very impressed with your techniques.. amazing!!! direct and effective..!"

- Bobby (Phillipines)
Askal Arnis, Redhorse Chapter, Taal Batangas. Developed by Guru Danny Vedua, formerly known as Oro Balintawak in Cagayan De Oro City.


"Great work Guru Maul. Your work and your family art is truly an inspiration not only in Silat, but in the whole Southeast Asian martial art community. It's no nonsense, non telegraphic attacks is what make it wicked"

- Guro Paolo Aquino (Phillipines/Australia)
Caviteno Fighting System, Tovak Escrima - Senior Instructor


"..I *bow* with respect and awe of your ability."

- Master Malvin Traylor (USA)
Founder of DARK GIFT COMBAT FIGHTING SYSTEM. A.R.S.T. - action reaction stress training. A.C.T. - accelerated combative training. Co-founder of V.E.D.S. "violent encounter defense system". Co-Founder R.E.A.C.T. "Rapid Endurance Assertive Combative Training"

Master Traylor was part of HOME LAND SECURITY in California with a group called S.T.A.F (SPECIAL TACTICAL ASSUALT FORCE) which is an ANTI-TERROIST training group. Trained with S.W.A.T., D.E.A. F.B.I. and local law enforcement and trained them in hand to hand combat and weapon disarmament. He also taught (A.R.S.T.) ACTION REACTION STRESS TRAINING to local officials As well as some correctional officers. Master Traylor has also Trained 4005TH USAH Minimal Care Detachment Unit in Houston,Tx. 250+ Military personal was trained on Dec 08/07. Mr.Traylor received an Achieventment award for his training of 4005th.


"..coordinated, direct and effective.."

- Spiro Micallef (Wales, UK)
Veteran Kick Boxing Champion - World Full Contact, European and British Titles.
Co-Owner of Ultimate Fitness Centre, Cardiff together with Denzil Lawrence (Veteran World KickBoxing Champion)


"Guro Maul Mornie teaches a straight way of martial art. SSBD is a system of natural body movements and a logical concept. There are no 'fancy stuff' or solutions for a 'perfect world'. He instructs 'hard'(solid) techniques for self defense and combat"

- J*r** B****n*** (Germany)
Tactical Law Enforcment Instructor. Riot Police Team Leader/Command Leader for ** years and then transferred to the Special ******* Force. For security reasons, the name and post is kept confidential


"You have done so much to promote your country's art.. Keep up the good work!!"

- Dalubhasang Guro Romeo Cruz (Philippines/UK)
Bahad Zu'Bu Escrima/Kali - Scotland, UK


"I just watched your videos and it's amazing as well! It's good that you are promoting traditional martial arts!.. I just told Grandmaster Leo Gaje about you and he is also like in meeting you in the future!.. If you could make it here in the Philippines, feel free to contact me and we will accomodate you.."

- Mandala Baldwin "Nonoy" Garrucho (Philippines)
Sundangan Baneg website
Top Henchman of the Pekiti-Tirsia Dogeaters. External Vice President of the Pekiti-Tirsia Philippines; holder of the 3rd highest rank in the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali System, the rank of Mandala Maginoo 6th Hagdan confered by Grandtuhon Leo T. Gaje Jr.


"Saya sungguh bangga dengan usaha tuan guru memperkenalkan ilmu beladiri bangsa Melayu Brunei kepada dunia. (I am proud of your efforts introducing the self defence art of Bruneian Malay to the word) Keep up the good work."

- Guru/Kru Jak Othman (Malaysia)
Kru ranking in Muay Thai under Ajarn Bakar @ Bakawali from Thailand; Guru in Silat Harimau Berantai


"I have watched (your videos) and enjoyed them very much. It's clear that you have put a lot of time and energy in your art! I wish you the best in all your teachings and travels."

- Prof. Rick Hernandez (USA)
A private student of Prof. Florendo Visitacion (Prof. Vee) until his death in 1999;
Co-founder of the critically acclaimed, T.A.C.S.A.F.E. International (Tactical Awareness and Control Strategies Against Firearms and Edged Weapons); Former instructor to the US Army Ranger - Recon Unit in hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting, and firearms.


"Very nice, very smooth like Silat should be."

- Sifu Robert Teodorczy (USA)
Red Dragon Martial Arts Academy - Owner and Chief Instructor.
Trained with and continue to train with some of the best instructors in the world which include Dan Inosanto, Bob Orlando, Greg Alland, Paul Vunak, Larry Tatum,Royce Gracie, Steve Tarani, Bruce Corrigan, Chris Sayoc, and retired Seal Team 6 Member Dennis Chaulker, etc.

Over 28 yrs Martial Arts experience along with over 23 years experience with the Somerset County Sheriffs department.
Certified ASP Instructor by Armament Systems and Procedures.Certified PR-24 Instructor by Monadnock Training Council.Certified Physical Conditioning Instructor by the Somerset Police Academy.Certified Defensive Tactics Instructor by the NJ State Police and NJ State Corrections Department.Defensive Tactics Instructor for the Somerset County Sheriffs Department.Team Leader and Instructor for the Somerset County Correctional Emergency Response Team.

Certificate of Training by the FBI for Crisis Negotiation.Certificate of Training by Seal Team 6 member Dennis Chaulker for Progressive Enforcement Options


"Seeing Mr. Mornie perform Silat Suffian techniques on the web is really interesting and informative. But it will NEVER beat training with him personally which was of a GREAT value for us."

- Martin Hradecký and Mario Tachecí (Czech Republic)
Arnis and Balaraw Fighting Club, Czech Republic - Founders and Instructors
Aegis Academy - Instructor level - various firearms and cold weapons training for private individuals, law enforcement and armed forces.
Instructor of special training to various security agency, law enforcement and Military Departments; shooting and tactics preparation, self defence and close quarter combat, telescopic baton and knife combat, consulting and testing, etc.


"I have enjoyed many of your YouTube videos, which show a wonderful mix of both the artistic and practical. I especially appreciate your videos demonstrating techniques on the ground!"

- Guru Robert McKay (USA)
Jagabaya Instructor rank in Silat Mande Muda. He is licensed to teach, through the Suwanda Academy in West Java, Indonesia. He is also an instructor in Filipino Kuntaw Silat.


"Very Practical Stuff. I am an in-fighter so this appeals to me a lot!.. Keep up the good work man!"

- Guru / Sifu Ron Kosakowski (USA)
6th Degree Black Belt in Kun Tao under the late Grand Master Joe RossiCertified Full Instructor in Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Grappling under Si Fu Larry Hartsell.
Instructor in Jun Fan Gung Fu under Si Fu Dan InosantoLakan Guro, Level One in Filipino martial arts under Guro Dan InosantoCertified Senior Instructor under Paul Vunak in Jeet Kune Do Concepts and KaliInstructor and Connecticut representative under Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje jr. in Pekiti Tirsia Kali and Dumog


"Thank you for your superb seminar yesterday (14/06/08). After 25 years in Martial Arts it takes a lot to impress me, by golly you did that! Your range of knowledge on all aspects of self defence and personable approach is awe inspiring for such a young man. Baiting, entries, pinning, breaking etc you have the whole game going on and its very exciting to watch and also explore for myself too. I am hooked my friend.. The delivery of instruction is first class and fun to do by the way.. We call ourselves Masters too easily I think, but Maul is truly a Master!"

- Sensei Frank Ellul (UK)
American Kenpo Karate - 2nd Dan Blackbelt
25 years Martial Arts experience in Taekwondo and Kenpo Karate; 17 Years experience as a London Metropolitan Police Officer experience of street conflict and realistic resolvement with both verbal and physical skills; Security Co-ordinator and Head Door Supervisor at the Brean Leisure Park in Somerset


"Simple, direct, effective.. that is the way they are supposed to be. Waiting for more videos"

- Maha Guro Ng Kuntaw Brian "Buzz" Smith (USA)
Black Belt 5th Degree in Kuntaw Ng Pilpinas; Black Belt 2nd Degree in Shin shin Nogare Jitsu; Black Belt 1st Degree in Pekiti Tersia; Black Belt 1st Degree in Modern Arnis; Brown Belt in Combat Judo (U.S. Navy Course); Green Belt in Tae Kwon Do Jhoon Rhee System; Green Belt in Kyo Kushin Kai - Karate Do. Extensive training in Muay Thai Kick boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun, Pentjak Silat, Kali, and Street Survival Tactics.

He brought KUNTAW to the U.S. in 1973 and established the American Maharlika Kuntaw Association.

He has trained members of the Kissimee and St. Cloud Florida Police departments in Stick Defense, Knife Defense, Hand to Hand combat and Baton training. Trained East Gate Security Personnel, Saulte St. Marie ontario in unarmed restraint techniques and tactics. Trained members of the Kyoto, Japan Police Department in stick and hand to hand Tactics (1992). Ongoing training of NMC Police Acadamy Cadets and area Police Officers in unarmed and armed (stick and knife) restraints.


"Dear Mornie, we would like to thank you for sharing with us your experience and training. We knew there was something special in you and the way you teach others when we first observed your techiques on Youtube. We are truly honored to have met you and to be able to learn from you, and we look forwards to working with you once again in the very near future.. Once again thank you and please realize that what you are teaching means alot to us all, because it can help to keep us safe and allow us to do the very important work that our men and women do all over the world. You are doing your part in helping to protect your fellow man and we look forwards to establishing a strong and lasting relationship with you."

- US Law Enforcement, Defensive Tactics Instructor (USA)
Name and Department of the individual officer is kept confidential due to reasons of personal safety and US national security.


"I have viewed your videos.. it was very informative and you have a good sense of how techniques flow from one to the next in a logical, fluid transition. Best wishes."

- Master Chief Taejoon Lee (Korea / USA)
Head and Master Chief of the World Hwa Rang Do Association - West Coast Headquarters, Los Angeles Academy. 7th Degree Black Sash and is the eldest son of the Founder, Dr. Joo Bang Lee.


"I enjoyed your video. Your grappling is good.. Keep up the good work, Selamat."

- Sigung Steve Gartin (USA)
Student of Pendekar Williem deThouars (Kuntao Silat deThouars); he formulated a new, more structured learning approach - Malabar Kuntao Silat.


"Your techniques are very practical and the quality of your movements are proof of your dedication to your martial art. Great Job! Much Respect to You"

- Guro Marrese Crump (USA)
Guro Crump is a dedicated practitioner of various martial arts and has emersed himself in Karate, Muay Thai, Kung Fu, Capoeira, Western Boxing, Filipino Kali, Tae Kwon Do and Ninjutsu. Along this path he received training from some the world's top masters and grandmasters of our time.


"I'd like to present my respect for your superb job"

- Guro/Sifu Mike Faraone (Italy)
Guro Faraone is a practitioner of Silat Serak, Judo, Ju Jitsu, Karate, Kung Fu, Wing Tsun, Escrima, Muay Thai and boxing. Afew of the arts in which he is an instructor.

A Senior Instructor PFS (Progressive Fighting Systems Inc.) in Jeet Kune Do Concepts & Filipino Martial Arts.

Master Teacher IBSSA (International Bodyguard and Security Services Association). He worked for years as operations manager and as a security consultant.

He published a book and 10 educational videos on the theme of fighting with and without weapons. Several times on the cover on major martial magazines and gave dozens of interviews in Italy and internationally. Appears in numerous television broadcasts on national networks as an expert techniques of self protection and security of VIPs.

He holds workshops and conferences across Europe, for both civilian and departments of the military and police.


"Excellent video Master Mornie. Baiting and setting up the other fighter is an excellent skill and applicable in all sports. Very informative, interesting. Thank you."

- Frank Shamrock (USA)
An American mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. Shamrock was the first to hold the UFC Middleweight championship (renamed the UFC Light Heavyweight championship) and retired as the five-time defending undefeated champion. Frank was also crowned an Interim King of Pancrase. He has also been the Strikeforce Middleweight champion.


"I have been in Pencak Silat for more than 20 years, being in your seminar last Sunday (17/08/2008) was truely amazing. The system you teach can be a lifesaver as well as an eye opener. Above all, Im just proud to be Bruneian and Silat artist!"

- Captain Rusli Bujang, BA Ed(Hons), MSc (Brunei Darussalam)
Royal Brunei Armed Forces - Head of Research and Training Branch
Senior Instructor of Pencak Silat Gerak 41


"Excellent Seminar, very informative and practical applications. Guru Maul's teaching is very friendly and open which makes it very easy to learn. A GREAT DAY!"

- Shifu Stuart Holdsworth (Australia)
3rd Degree Blackbelt. Zi Ra Men and Six Harmonies Kung fu. Direct Lineage from Master Xu Ai Zhai


"Very Effective Multi Functional Style"

- Senior Master Andy Elliot (Australia)
International Philippine Martial Art Kombatan (IPMF) - Chief Instructor, 7th Degree Blackbelt (Lakan Pito) of Australia and New Zealand


"..your Silat system of unarmed defence against a knife is simple, very fast and effective. Sensei John Haitidis (7th Dan Shotokan Karate) and Renshi Shihan Greg Rees (5th Dan WGKA Karate Academy) expressed this view. I feel the same and add that I appreciate the spirit of the workshop and the way you built it up.."

- Renshi Shihan Joseph Ielasi (Australia)
5th Dan Hard and Soft Style Goju Ryu Karate
WGKA - World Goju-Ryu Karate-do Academy, Melbourne, Australia


"Greeting Maul, I watched your video. You move very well. I wish I moved that well when I was your age :-) I have no doubt that you will reach the level of experience you wish in your journey. Never stop learning"

- Bob Orlando (USA)
Founder of the Je du-too School of Martial Arts. A master of Chinese kuntao and Dutch-Indonesian pukulan pentjak silat under Dutch-Indonesian master, Willem de Thouars.

The author of Indonesian Fighting Fundamentals: The Brutal Arts of the Archipelago and Martial Arts America: A Western Approach to Eastern Arts. He has also produced three videos: A nearly two hour production, Fighting Arts of Indonesia: Combat Secrets of Silat and Kuntao (a companion to his first book); a two-tape video production titled, Reflex Action: From Training Drills to Fighting Skills; and a four volume DVD series, Fighting Footwork of Kuntao and Silat.


"Just want to let you know that we enjoyed your training.
We are impressed by the way you play, the no-nonsense attitude towards a conflict and the humorous way you teach. Next time you are in Holland let us know. You and your staff are very welcome to come and train in our facility.

We will exchange best-practices in a learning and friendly atmosphere. You will meet people with an equal open-minded mentality. Moreover, you will experience the same generosity and hospitality we all enjoyed whenever we came over to the home of our beloved Pa and Ma Flohr. Greetings from Holland.

- Pukulan Madura Kombinasi (Holland)
Ronald Volkert, Raymond Poublon, Ricky Doelman;
Students of the late Pak Flohr in Holland.


"Dear Guru, My name is Suzanne Luna Spezzano. I have been studying Silat under my teacher Guro Dan Inosanto since 1997. I am currently an instructor in his system of madjapahit silat. My husband John Spezzano teaches martial arts full time and we are always thirsty for knowledge. Our teacher always encourages his students to train with many teachers and to "fill the well". We are very lucky to have him as our mentor. I just spent the last hour looking at your youtube clips and I was compelled to email you and tell you how strong and beautiful the movement is... My husband teaches abroad twice a year and we are going to have to work our schedules around coming and experiencing learning from you. It would be such an honor. I am rarely moved to reach out in this way, but when something catches your eye and you see beauty and efficiency, balance, strength, fluidity, economy of motion and grace... I had no choice but to reach out. I hope I get to meet you very very soon and as you say in your website, I certainly won't be the best - but when I train, I give my teacher my all, I give my teacher my best. Thank you for your time, Respectfully, Suzanne"

- Suzanne Luna Spezzano (USA)
Presenter and demonstrator of the acclaimed martial arts instructional DVD "Introduction to Madjapahit Silat". She is a certified instructor in The Filipino Martial Arts, Madjapahit & Maphilindo Silat and Jeet Kune Do under Guro Dan Inosanto; Wing Chun Kung Fu under Sifu Francis Fong; Wali Songo Pencak Silat (ground level) under Pendekar Steven Benitez.


"Silat Suffian is one of the best self defense tactics that I've ever attend and it is a perfect combination of martial arts. It is suitable for all generations and very useful to me as an enforcement officer and also useful for my family, even if they know a little technique from it."

- KHJ (Brunei Darussalam)
Task Force Unit - name and department is kept condidential for security reasons.


(parts from original messege)"The blessings in my sky had been that I was for many years exposed to various forms of pentjac silat, and as I practise some styles - but mostly my forte was always in the Hakka kun tao. Your arts of silat, coming from your kraton are also amazing systems - the sultanate of Brunei had a great history behind.

Very fortunate for me, in my life, most of the folks, where-ever they came from and had studied with me - were all fenominum people and great practitioners. the feelings and respect was always mutual. However it is never easy to be a leader, and humanisticly speaking at times I too, like some other teachers, had some obstacles to overcome with students that never train as hard as others - and seems to think of martial advancement as an overnight virtue. Your art is great and I like the sambuts and potongs in your art!

I would be delightful of meeting you someday, have a selamatan and good coffee tubruk together... I wish you the very best, as the honor is mine as well, with respect Bapak Willem de Thouars.

- Bapak Willem de Thouars (USA)
Bapak Willem de Thouars is a master that needs no introduction. He is a legend in his own right. He has influenced the martial arts world in more ways than one. Please click on his website link.


I have followed your work from the first time it came to my attention, I was surprised, impressed and quite overjoyed at the fluidity and spirit which pervades both your self as the vessel and the art it's self- which is so clearly expressed by you.

The skill you have acquired through hard work and devotion to your art and loyalty your own masters has taken you to a wonderful place beyond mere skill - you have mastered your art and at the same time become a master.

As you clearly operate in the void, the space beyond consciousness and thought, the mastery is a pleasure to watch, I can honestly say, in my experience, you are one of only a handful of men who have passed through that door.

And as if that wasn't enough you do it all with humility, humanity, appreciation and most importantly a smile!

Big Respects

- Chris Crudelli (United Kingdom)
Sifu Chris Crudelli is a martial artist, author and a world famous television presenter. He is best known as the host of BBC television programmes; 'Mind, Body & Kick Ass Moves', 'Kick Ass Miracles', and 'Kick Ass in a Crisis'. His first 10-part documentary series concentrated on the more exotic, elaborate systems of far eastern martial arts, meeting and interviewing masters from different arts, filmed in China, Japan, the Philippines and Taiwan.

His acclaimed series have been broadcasted in at least 119 countries (as of 2004) worldwide, including the on BBC, Discovery Channel and watched by millions.


SSBD Symbol Definition

Only official representatives and training groups are given permission to use the Silat Suffian Bela Diri Symbol / Logo.


Copyright © Maul Mornie. All rights reserved. No part of this symbol / logo may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission from Maul bin Mornie

Concept Definition

The Symbol/logo represents 2 different concepts the practitioner as an individual and living as a part of society.

The 8 Pointed Stars

Individual definition:

- fortification and protection from all direction
- Mobility in all directions, offensive, evasive, retreating.

Definition in society:

- star arrows going out and in towards the centre, the concept of giving and receiving, cooperation and mutual communication from all aspects of the community, depicting everyone and anyone has something to offer for the common good.

Outer Circular

Individual definition:

- Beats, timing and rhythm- Half-beats, broken timing and breaking rhythm

Definition in society:

- Respect, tolerance and equality in a community of different tribes, race, religion and gender, etc, working together to build a better community and environment for everyone.


The articles are in decending order, please scroll down to view the latest events and pictures. This page will be constantly updated until the end of the year 2009.


24th / 25th January 2009 - CLICK HERE
Weisbaden, Germany Seminar

31st January 2009 - CLICK HERE
Garbagnate, Milan, Italy Seminar

31st January 2009 - CLICK HERE
Omegna, Verbania, Italy Seminar

1st February 2009 - CLICK HERE
Strigno, Trento, Italy Seminar

7th February 2009 - CLICK HERE
Newport, Wales, United Kingdom Seminar

15th February 2009 - CLICK HERE
Ijsselstein, Holland Seminar

20th February 2009 - CLICK HERE
Charity Workshop - Desenzano Del Garda, Italy

21st / 22nd February 2009 - CLICK HERE
SSBD Italian Group Private Gathering, Italy

28th February / 1st March 2009 - CLICK HERE
Linköping, 1st SSBD Sweden Seminar

7th / 8th March 2009 - CLICK HERE
Edinburgh, 1st SSBD Scotland Seminar

14th / 15th March 2009 - CLICK HERE
Regensberg, Germany Seminar

21st / 22nd March 2009 - CLICK HERE
1st New York, USA Seminar

4th / 5th April 2009 - CLICK HERE
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom Charity Workshop

11th April 2009 - CLICK HERE
1st Private Session - Netherlands Training Group

12th April 2009 - CLICK HERE
Amsterdam, Netherlands Seminar

18th April 2009 - CLICK HERE
Advance Birthday Dinner, Italy


The articles are in decending order, please scroll down to view the latest events and pictures. Click on the dates to read them

2nd February 2008
Personal Self Defence @ Italy

2nd February 2008
Limb Destruction @ Italy

3rd February 2008
Harimau @ Italy

9th February 2008 (1st of 6)
Knife defence @ United Kingdom

11th February 2008
Czech Republic - Private Invitation

23rd February 2008
Fighting Machete @ Italy

27th February 2006
1 Million Youtbe Viewers

8th March 2008
Guardia Di Finanza, Police Department, Italy

March 2008
San Nicolas Charity @ Italy

29th / 30th March 2008
Knife Fighting and Defence @ Germany

12th April 2008 (2nd of 6)
Knife Defence @ United Kingdom

19th April 2008
Buaya Ground work @ Italy

2nd June 2008
Private Seminar @ Brunei

7th June 2008
Quick Entries @ Italy

14th June 2008 (3rd or 6)
Knife Defence @ United Kingdom

16th June 2008 - 20th June 2008
5 days International Intensive Summer Camp @ United Kingdom

28th / 29th June 2008
Blade Mechanics and Blade Mentality @ Germany

29th June 2008
Shihan Florian Velici, 7th Dan Judo @ Germany

12th July 2008
Knife Awareness @ Florida, USA

19th July 2008 (4th of 6)
Knife Defence @ United Kingdom

22nd July - 26th July 2008 (1st of 2)
5 days Intensive International Summer Camp @ Italy

1st August to 3rd August 2008 (2nd of 2)
5 days Intensive International Summer Camp @ Italy

17th August 2008
Perguruan Silat Gerak 41 Invitation @ Brunei Darussalam

1st September 2008
Shihan Joe Thambu, 7th Dan Shudokan Aikido @ Australia

15th September 2008
Silat-Suffian.Blogspot - 1 Year Anniversary

20th September 2008 (5th of 6)
Knife Defence @ United Kingdom

25th September 2008
Personal Defence - Women and Children @ Italy

27th September 2008
Kuntau Attacking Footwork @ Italy

5th October 2008
Knife Awareness and Groundwork @ United Kingdom

12th of October 2008
Kerambit Seminar by Carlo Andreis @ Italy

22nd October 2008
SSBD in Burnham and Highbridge - Weekly News Newspaper @ UK

11th / 12th October 2008
Harimau Drills and Groundwork @ Germany

18th / 19th October 2008
Unarmed Blade Defence and Blade Fighting @ Holland

1st November 2008 (6th of 6)
Knife Defence @ United Kingdom

8th November 2008
Intermediate Kerambit to Harimau/Buaya Groundwork @ Italy

16th November 2008
Blade Awareness and Buaya Groundwork @ Finland

22nd November 2008
Honorary Goshinkwai Total Body Defence Blackbelt @ United Kingdom

26th November 2008
Guru Santiago Dobles visit @ United Kingdom

6th December 2008
SSBD in Abo Underratelser - Oldest Newspaper @ Finland

16th December 2008
Kristal FM Radio Interview @ Brunei


23rd September 2007
Sarong Seminar @ Desenzano Del Garda, Italy

November 2007
Kerambit Seminar @ Desenzano Del Garda, Italy

27th November 2007
Knife Defence @ Newport, Wales, United Kingdom

2nd December 2007
Meeting HRM Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam @ London, United Kingdom



Due to Maul Mornie's busy travel schedule, please contact the host and organizers in your country or area directly.

Not all the names mentioned below represent SSBD or the teach the SSBD syllabus. Some are independent organizers or contacts for future seminars.

At present, no one is certified or has completed training in SSBD. Without any disrespect, all the names below are accomplished and experienced martial artists in their own rights in their own respective systems.

Below are the contact details:


Greetings to all,

It is with great honour to welcome all visitors to the Silat Suffian Bela Diri Website / Blog.

I hope while browsing, all will gain some information and experience the aim of this site.

Foremost I would like to thank GOD and HIS prophets, my elders, family, instructors and my other half, who has been both my critic and support, who has guided me to become a better person, to serve for the common good. All that is good in me is due to their guidance and any lesser in my character is from my own.

To Spiro Micallef, Denzil Lawrence, Tuhon Pat O'Malley, Sensei Julian Straker-Jones and those people who do not wished to be named, who has influenced my life in some ways or another; direct or indirectly.

I would also take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all the group leaders and and SSBD student from different parts of the world for their efforts and interest in knowing and understanding this little known Silat system and most of all Bruneian culture in general.

By working together or learning from each others experience with the goal to spread knowledge no matter how small, we can promote friendship, as well as cultural exchange among different nationalities.

To achieve a goal, everyone matters.